What causes feet skin to go yellow? A few recommendations

Do you have yellow feet issues and you are searching for some advices to help you deal with this disease? Even though it is officially a skin condition, we all have it. You get calluses on your feet from walking a lot or because you wear shoes that are too tight. It is an extra layer of protection on your feet, and therefore completely harmless. Calluses feel hard and rough to the touch and can sometimes be a bit yellow. So that could be why your soles are yellow! Get a pumice stone and carefully try to get rid of some of the calluses. If you don’t really like using the pumice stone, you can always try a pedicure.

Possible Yellow Feet Causes : Trinitrotoluene Poisoning: The explosive chemical compound trinitrotoluene, or TNT, may cause a yellow discoloration of the skin when used. This occurs as a reaction between melanin, the natural pigment that gives skin its color, and the volatile nitro groups within TNT. Handlers of the TNT may often see the soles of the feet turn yellow.

Onychomycosis is notoriously difficult to treat since most topical creams are unable to penetrate the nail tissue. Oral antifungal treatment tends to work best, but it can take as long as six to 12 months for a nail to fully grow back. Terbinafine is considered the treatment of choice, often supported by itraconazole, another oral antifungal. Oral antifungal medication may be needed for a fungal toenail infection.

Research has shown that high doses of turmeric can cause yellow discoloration of the soles. Turmeric is a mild spice that people often use medicinally for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The most active compound in turmeric, curcumin, is a bright yellow pigment. At least one case study describes yellow discoloration of the soles of the feet due to high doses of turmeric root. The woman in the study took 500 mg of turmeric root daily for 4 months. After she stopped taking the capsules, the symptoms resolved. The study authors also note that the topical application of turmeric can discolor the skin. Discover more details at Yellow feet.

How to Treat Yellow Feet: Yellow nails: Fungal infections causing toenails to turn yellow may be treated with topical antifungal medications applied directly to the nail. Other infection-causing episodes may be treated with antibiotics and vitamin D3 topical corticosteroids. Health disorders: Health conditions like liver disease, respiratory disorders, and cancers must be treated, rather than the discoloration. The yellow skin coloring may disappear over time during treatment, whether it is with medications or surgery.