Hurghada diving course in german

First we will discuss about best diving places in the world, benefits of diving in Hurghada and finishing with the presentation of Tauchkurs Hurghada , a diving school that is suited for everyone but especially the german speaking travelers.

The World-Famous Great Barrier Reef: Once you become a diver, it won’t be long until someone asks, “have you been to the Great Barrier Reef?” The world’s best-known diving area, is also an excellent place to get your PADI Open Water certification. The Great Barrier Reef is home to more than 400 types of coral, 1500 species of fish, and the endangered dugong (sea cow). Like all coral reefs, the Great Barrier Reef is vulnerable to global warming, so if you’ve always dreamed of diving here, what are you waiting for?

Located in Malaysia, Sipadan is arguably one of the best five dive sites in the world. The place is teeming with life. You will see turtles, cave systems, sharks, dolphins, schools of fish, bright coral, bright fish, and everything in between. Not only will you get to see these, but you’ll see them in incredible abundance and variety. It was my favorite place in Southeast Asia so definitely don’t miss it if you’ve never had a chance to dive here!

Why Hurghada? Perhaps the most famous of the region’s pristine reefs are those of Ras Mohammed National Park, a marine reserve located at the southernmost tip of the Sinai Peninsula. Established in 1983, Ras Mohammed is Egypt’s oldest national park and constitutes a 480-square-kilometer sanctuary for a proliferation of corals and marine life. Other unforgettable reefs include those of the Giftun Islands and the Straits of Tiran. See additional info at

For our german visitors:

Tauchkurs Hurghada (PADI) (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) ist sicherlich der weltweit bekannteste Tauchverband. Er wurde 1966 von zwei Amerikanern gegründet. Sie waren der Meinung, dass die damalige Tauchausbildung nicht professionell genug ist und es den Schülern unnötig schwer macht das Tauchen zu beginnen. Sie waren sich sicher, dass es einfachere und schnellere Wege gibt, Anfängern das Tauchen näher zu bringen. Sehen extra info Deutsche Tauchschule Hurghada.

Bunte Unterwasserwelten faszinieren dich schon lange? Schon immer wenn du Tauchbilder im Fernsehen oder in Magazinen gesehen hast, denkst du: das möchte ich auch? Unsere Tauchschule in Hurghada (Tauchkurs Hurghada) und Tauchlehrer führen mit dir einen sicheren Schnuppertauchenkurs im flachen Wasser durch. Dabei erfährst du, wie es ist, durch einen Atemregler zu atmen, schwerelos zu schweben und die Welt aus einer ganz neuen Perspektive wahrzunehmen.