Motherhood guides

Parenting recommendations with Marissa Anastasi: Being creative! Thinking outside the box has got me out of so many pickles. Creativity along with just listening to your own gut has helped me troubleshoot many issues. When I have a “feeling” something might be a solution but I don’t know if it will work, I just try it and it usually does work. My gut is always right and my random creative ideas usually win!

Remember That Nothing Goes as Planned. “This is basically just a good lesson for life, period. But the birth, labor, and delivery rarely go exactly how you envision or plan for it to unfold. So the best advice we ever received is to remember that whatever is going to happen, is going to happen,” Kelly and Perren say. “There is no amount of planning, wishing, or hoping that will change it. So try your best to relax and be accepting of this. It will make a huge difference in how you experience this life-changing moment.” Stay Nourished. “Now isn’t the time to cut calories or go on a restrictive eating plan,” Scott says. “This is so important for a healthy mama and baby. Make sure you’re nourishing your body so you can be fueled to care for your little one. Concentrate on nutrient-packed foods that are rich in calcium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B6, and folate,” she advises.

Spend time with them – on their terms. Spend time with your child, but not on your terms, on theirs. If they like concerts, go with them. Have a family movie night and let your children choose the movies that you watch. You can have one night where a child chooses the movie and another night where an adult chooses the movie. Or, each family can take a turn to choose. The important thing is to meet them on their level, on their terms. This will show that you are taking an interest in them, their lives and their world. And that will mean the world to them. Explore additional details on Parenting blog.

Spreading myself out evenly between everyone without running myself into the ground. Sometimes that means the washing has to wait so I can sit and spend time with my eldest while the two younger ones are napping. Sometimes I get up earlier than everyone else to go for a walk alone before they wake up, or to sit and enjoy a cup of tea while watching the sunrise. When I find myself getting flustered or things are getting out of control, I take five or ten minutes to just sit and regroup – it really helps!

Since Kenny was born, I had been a stay at home mummy until Isabella was 4 which is when I started teaching younger kids. I done that for 2 years but after my 3rd pregnancy, I never went back and decided to become a stay at home mummy once again. Now my youngest is 5 and 6, I decided I could maybe begin something new again. And so, in Late November 2018, I opened the doors to a kid’s concept store in Larnaca town centre. It’s difficult combining family and work, and sometimes the guilt is immense, but I have a lot of support from my husband when it comes to the children. Find a few more details at