Excellent quality TEFL courses in Madrid, Spain

Accredited excellent quality TEFL courses in Spain? We’ve got some of the most qualified trainers in the field imparting their vast empirical knowledge and modern teaching methodologies to help you become a rounded TEFL teacher capable of working under any circumstance or system. Our TEFL course in Madrid is also recognized worldwide due to its professional accreditation and high caliber curriculum, ascertained by the British council. Our TEFL Abroad program is run by former TEFL teachers who are truly passionate about their work. The institute has grown leaps and bounds in just a few years to become one of the best TEFL institutes in the country. There are number of TEFL institutes in the country. But what sets us apart from our competitors is dedication to our students’ all round requirements, which is not just restricted to the course and certificates. When you take TEFL Courses in Spain in a globally recognized school like TEFL Madrid Academy, you position yourself for global success.

No renewal necessary. I’m sure most of you can relate to standing in a long, unnecessary line at the DMV to renew your drivers’ license or passport. No need for such hassle with your TEFL certificate. Once you have it, you’re good to go. Wonder where to go? Check out these Ten Best TEFL Courses Abroad from our 2019 Official Report. All together now, “It’s for life!” You’ll never have to worry about missing that flight because you forgot to renew your TEFL certificate. Been there, done that? Oops. Talk to any graduated, traditionally certified teacher and they will be able to tell you all about mandatory in-services and continuing education credits. Sure, arguments could be made against this fact, but those with TEFL certificates typically employ their polished skills shortly after they have that certification in hand. And if not, there is certainly a niche for a non-traditional TEFL teachers. Are you in your 30s, 40s, or 60s? There are positions just for you, too. Get the inside scoop on TEFL for seniors.

Here is the full TEFL guide, with all you want to know in single post. Teaching English really is a great and rewarding self development path! It offers lots of avenues to freedom, visiting, exploration, and a fun lifestyle. Maybe you’ve recently graduated and want to try your hand at a teaching career, but aren’t ready to go back to school right away for your education degree. Maybe you are curious if teaching is even right for you. Or maybe you have no idea what you want your career to look like at all! If this is the case, then TEFL is your answer. It’s a short-term course that gives you the knowledge you need to succeed, and first hand experience in the classroom as part of your required TEFL practicum. It’s the perfect way to give teaching a test-drive without the full commitment. Teaching abroad is a great opportunity to study a language in the country. Your students will be more than happy to teach you the basics. Of course, they will teach you some swear words first 🙂 Discover more details on tefl-madrid.com.

As mentioned above, we are committed to setting up as many interviews as possible with agencies from all over Madrid; we work with over 300. Also, we always provide job counselling for teachers who have just finished the course and who wish to use their TEFL for finding a job in Spain; help with preparing CVs, interview workshops where we teach our students how to show their best qualities and achieve the best possible results in an interview. Regarding finding a job, TEFL Madrid location is one of the best, as Madrid is one of the cities with the most job opportunities in Spain. There are teaching posts available all year round, although they are slightly higher at the start of terms (summer months and February). The average wage for a teacher in Spain is approximately 1500€, although this will vary depending on the type of centre. However, your possibilities for teaching are not restricted to Spain. Once you have your TEFL certification, you will be able to travel to any country you like to teach English. As it is the language most spoken in the world, as a native language and also as a second language, you will be able to live almost anywhere in the world.

For our spanish guests:

Asesoría de principio a fin: nuestros profesores te darán toda la información que requieras sobre becas de estudio en países de habla inglesa, cómo aplicar a las universidades y cuál es el puntaje TOEFL mínimo que necesitas. Los precios más competitivos: nuestro objetivo principal es que los alumnos tengan éxito en sus vidas, tanto a nivel académico como profesional. Por eso te ofrecemos planes con precios competitivos que puedes escoger según tus posibilidades.

En TEFL Madrid Academy experimentarás un método de estudio innovador, en el que puedes preparar el TOEFL de todas las formas posibles, desde casa o en cualquiera de nuestras academias de TOEFL en Madrid. Contamos con más de 10 años de experiencia en la enseñanza del Test of English as a Foreign Language, lo que nos ha permitido ser en la actualidad una de las mejores y más especializadas academias de inglés en Madrid, especialistas en los cursos de preparación TOEFL Más que un curso, te ofrecemos una experiencia cultural, en la que tienes la oportunidad de compartir cómo es vivir y estudiar en países como los Estados Unidos, de donde proviene gran parte de nuestro equipo docente. ¡Contáctanos y comienza tu preparación!

En nuestra academia de TOEFL en Madrid experimentarás un nuevo método de aprendizaje, completamente personalizado y práctico, en el que tendrás: te recibimos con una prueba de inglés básica, para saber en qué nivel del idioma estás actualmente. Evaluamos tus capacidades para comprender y expresar el idioma de forma oral, escrita y auditiva. Plan de estudio personalizado: según el resultado del test, precisamos cuáles son tus fortalezas y debilidades. A partir de éstas, elaboramos un plan de estudio personalizado para garantizar los mejores resultados en poco tiempo. Ver extra detalles curso de TOEFL.

Método de aprendizaje optimizado, ideal para potenciar en tiempo récord todas las habilidades necesarias en función de aprobar el test TOEFL en Madrid con una puntuación excepcional, por encima de los 100 puntos. 2 semanas: plan de estudio popular, máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 24 horas lectivas en total. 3 semanas: plan de estudio general, máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 24 horas lectivas en total. 1 semana: plan de estudio súper intensivo, máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 20 horas lectivas en total.