Meet Dan Feerst and some of his thoughts

Dan Feerst or the growth of a human resources business influencer? According to Daniel Freest, there are tons of good publications out there that serve as good avenues for you to get your work noticed and he is a publisher at is for Safety professionals.’s products and services provide you with the ability to help more employees, clients, or patients. In many cases, our products allow you to more easily reach family members and significant others as well.

Dan Feerst owns and is President of DFA Publishing & Consulting, LLC and located near Charleston, South Carolina. Dan Feerst is one most widely read EAP authors in the United States with millions of employees and over 100,000 supervisors reading his materials monthly. He is the author and founding publisher of WorkLife Excel® newsletter, which was accepted as the health/productivity newsletter for the 12,000 employees of the U.S. Congress. You can reach Dan Feerst at 1-800-626-4327 or e-mail him at

We offer publications, training products, free informational tools, ideas, and tips to support employers, and those who serve employers with the mission of helping employees remain healthy, happy, and productive. Our goal is to help employers reduce behavioral risk exposure and the loss of productivity that flow from employee behaviors influenced by behavioral health conditions, stress, addictive disease and substance abuse, conflict at work, personal troubles, inappropriate and risky behavior, and reactions to events like violence, trauma, and loss.

Daniel Feerst discusses the problems with improper management handling of employees with performance problems who drug and alcohol issues are evident in the workplace. A “forced-choice” agreement describes management’s attempt to force an employee into addiction treatment while threatening the employee with termination if he or she does not comply. Forced choice agreements are dicey maneuvers for employers because they, in effect are placing the employer in the position of a diagnostician – a doctor. The employer is saying, “you are alcoholic – you need to be in treatment. If you don’t go. You’re fired.” Meanwhile the employee is saying, “no I am not an alcoholic, I am just depressed.”

Daniel Feerst about the Little-Known Secrets to Getting Featured in Any Publication: There are typically two forms of writers at any most important publication. The first kind is the group of worker’s writer. They usually run memories that are newsworthy, of special hobby, or related to cutting-edge events. These are commonly treated with a “cut or maintain” assembly style. It could be very hard to get in this cycle. However, the second type of creator freelances and contributes to multiple courses. These writers need to supply a hard and fast number of stories with the guide every month. Sometimes publications are open to new thoughts. If you approach them the proper way, you can have a shot of having published. See additional information on Dan Feerst.