Beauty cosmetic surgery guides and recommendations and the best surgeons in 2021

Beauty cosmetic surgery guides and recommendations and the top doctors in 2021? Mask wearing has fueled high demand for procedures around the eyes. Even if the vaccine eradicates COVID-19, mask wearing could be long term. When wearing a mask, “You can only see the upper third of the face, so a lot of treatments today focus on the eyes,” Dr. Aguilera said. That is not to say that people do not want to address the lower face. Zoom and other virtual platforms are thought to have driven demand for aesthetic fixes for the lower third of the face and neck as well. In essence, the pandemic has spiked demand for f The ASPS’s 2020 annual procedure survey acial aesthetic procedures. To address aging concerns of the upper third of the face nonsurgically, Dr. Aguilera performs a “frontoplasty,” a high-risk, high- reward procedure that addresses volume loss with fillers. “It is an advanced technique that is really needed because if you look at a woman’s skull and a man’s skull, the woman’s skull is more convex. She has more soft tissue, more fat. The eyebrows are arched because they have more fat under the brow. The eyes are bigger,” Dr. Aguilera explained.

Ulthera is an alternative choice for patients desiring a non-surgical buttock augmentation. This non-invasive butt lift technique promotes natural lifting as well as a tightening of the skin beneath the surface. The treatment uses ultrasound waves in order to target the deepest layers of the skin and to stimulate collagen growth. Ultherapy is micro-focused ultrasound that basically takes two ultrasound waves and focuses them to create a controlled injury of 65° Celsius. It is usually an injury of about a millimeter. When an injury is created in places that have collagen (whether it is muscle or the envelopes muscle which is called fascia or the dermis that is comprised with collagen), the technology is able to regenerate or stimulate collagen production. Doctors are trying to trick the body to create more collagen.

Earlobe surgery is done to make repairs to torn, stretched or damaged earlobes that occur as a result of diseases, trauma or wear and tear from wearing heavy jewelry. The earlobe is anesthetized with 1-2 injections of lidocaine. The dilated piercing and stretched surrounding skin is removed through a small wedge-shaped excision or a more involved tissue rearrangement called an advancement flap. The new skin edges are sutured together on the front and back of the earlobe. A small bump is created at the bottom of the earlobe where the curvature occurs and it will flatten out after the sutures are removed. This bump avoids a chance of having an indented or “scalloped” ear after healing. See additional information at Repair Damaged Ear Lobes.

People should discuss the pros and cons of liposuction with their doctor before deciding on whether to proceed. Liposuction should only be carried out after careful consideration. Liposuction works best for people with good skin tone and elasticity, where the skin molds itself into new contours. People whose skin lacks elasticity may end up with loose-looking skin in areas where the procedure was done. The person needs to be over 18 years of age and in good health. Those with circulation or blood flow problems, such as coronary artery disease, diabetes, or a weakened immune systems should not undergo liposuction. Liposuction is normally done for cosmetic purposes, but it is sometimes used to treat certain conditions.

Prior to getting cosmetic surgery, be aware that there may be complications from the procedure. Your plastic surgeon will more than likely go over these potential complications with you. It is important for you to be aware of them. Some of the complications may include infection, swelling, increased blood pressure, and although rare, even death. Regardless of your age, you might find a little plastic surgery to be uplifting and beneficial. With some sound information, you can make the best decisions. Do your homework and make smart decisions, and you will be on your way to looking your best! Find additional details on