Top coriolis flow meter wholesale manufacturer

High quality coriolis flow meter bulk manufacturer? Beijing Sincerity Automatic Equipment Co., Ltd was reformed from the Petrochemical Branch Automatic Equipment Co.,Ltd. Beijing Sincerity is the innovation developed enterprise invested by both the China Petroleum &Chemical Corporation’s Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industries and the Capital Science and Technology Group. Please be noticed, that all the videos taken are approved by SGS, Switzerland, or TUV, Germany. All the videos are real and without shooting skills or beauty filters. Read more details on coriolis flow meter manufacturers.

Sincerity first factory of 121 warehouse with one calibration line was officially established Since 2007. The 2nd generation coriolis mass flow meters were officially launched. The coriolis mass flow meters are upgraded with batch control functions. The size of the coriolis mass flow meters are largely reduced, and the display has been upgraded to LCD display (liquid crystal display) . Sincerity 4th generation coriolis mass flow meters were officially launched. They have been upgraded to integrated type coriolis flow meters, with sensor and transmitter. The coriolis flow meters added 0-10KHz, and 4-20mA output. We still need the magnetic bar to calibrate the zero point, and to modify the inner parameters.

Comprehensively consider the use requirements and procurement costs of gas turbine flowmeters. When the customized gas turbine flow meter did not appear in the domestic brand, the international brand can be said to be a super profitable product. A medium-sized gas turbine flow requires hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of yuan. And our domestic brands struggle tenaciously in a harsh environment where the strength and weakness are not an order of magnitude at all. It can be seen that when selecting a gas turbine flow meter, there are many factors to be considered, not only from before the purchase, but also after the purchase of the gas turbine flowmeter, all of which need to be considered. When choosing a gas turbine flowmeter, you must be careful!

The coriolis flow meter consists of a sensor and a transmitter. The coriolis mass flow meter is equipped with digital signal processor (DSP) -based digital transmission equipment, and integrates digital closed-loop vibration control (DLC) signal processing, sensor calculation and diagnostic functions, and has high measurement accuracy and extensive capabilities. And excellent reliability for you. On-line node configuration, fault diagnosis and data logging can be performed directly through HART or PC via Modbus to communicate with the communicator. The flow meter will not only calculate the process volume flow, cumulative volume and component ratio. TS series flow meters can also provide coriolis gas flow meter, density and temperature online in real time. See additional information on

What media can gas turbine flow meters measure? Is it good to use? Many industries rely heavily on the use of measuring tools, because many media must be measured before the capacity can be known, which has a great impact on production. It is precisely because of this that the use of measuring tools cannot be ignored. Nowadays, the use of gas turbine flow meters can bring about stable effects and has attracted the attention of many industries. So which media can be measured? Will it work well? Measurement of non-conductive liquids, if the electromagnetic flowmeter is dominant in the flow measurement of conductive liquids, in the field of non-conductive liquid flow measurement, the electromagnetic flowmeter is powerless, and the vortex This is where flow meters come in handy. Small diameter pipes introduced in recent years.