Recommended childhood education development strategies with Michael Chezan

Top rated themed enrichment activities trends by Michael Chezan in Chicago: Generally, curriculum development is the process by which an instructor or institution creates or adopts that plan for a course. Because this subject is so broad, it can be difficult to wade through the noise to find up-to-date best practices. There are also many schools of thought for how best to approach the curriculum development process. With an overwhelming amount of advice available, how do you know who to listen to so that you can develop a curriculum that makes sense for you and your course? Discover more information at

Where Curriculum Developers Work? While curriculum developers may not take center stage in leading a classroom, they’re still actively involved in the school community. The highest percentage of curriculum developers is employed by public and private elementary and secondary schools. A growing number of curriculum developers are being hired by government agencies, including the U.S. Department of Education, to oversee the implementation of the Common Core, according to the Common Core State Standards Initiative. Instructional coordinators could also find favorable job prospects in colleges, technical schools, teacher training programs, and other educational support services. Curriculum developers usually have an office, but traveling among schools and visiting classrooms is frequent. Unlike teachers, curriculum developers will generally work year-round without a summer break.

While tutors have traditionally instructed pupils in face-to-face environments, many students now rely on entirely online tutors. We’ll examine a number of web-based tutoring opportunities at all grade levels, along with reviews of the leading providers of online tutorial services. When compared to its traditional counterpart, it’s clear online tutoring has some unique benefits. Most online modules allow students to complete coursework at their own pace – an incredibly convenient perk for anyone with a hectic schedule. And web-based learning indirectly – sometimes directly, depending on the subject – refines computing, word processing, and web-based competencies; all of which will be coveted by future employers.

Entire textbooks have been written on these long-standing models, but here’s a brief explanation of each to make sure everyone is on the same page: Product model. Also known as the objectives model, this model focuses on evaluations, outcomes, and results. It determines what learning has occurred. If you need to develop a curriculum that prioritizes standardized test scores, you’ll need to adhere to the product model. Generally, this model is thought to be more rigid and more difficult to adapt to your students’ unique needs, but it does provide quantitative learning assessments. Process model. This model focuses on how learning develops over time. There’s an emphasis on how the students are learning, and what thoughts they have throughout the process. This approach is more open-ended and considers the overall growth and development of a student rather than their performance on an exam.

About Michael Chezan : Over the course of his career, Michael Chezan has focused on strengthening communities and neighborhoods across Chicago. He stands out as founder of the Elite Urban Education Corporation, a curriculum development company focused on incorporating themed enrichment activities into early childhood education. Also active in the same role with Kidz Academy, the most rapidly-growing early education brand in the Midwest, Michael Chezan strives to improve the education experience for young children in densely-populated communities.

Michael Chezan is a children’s advocate, philanthropist, and real estate developer based in Chicago, Illinois. Since 2008 Michael Chezan has founded three separate groups with a focus on children’s health, education, and home care. In his spare time, he enjoys golfing at the North Shore Country Club.