Pcb assembly service factory right now

Excellent pcb assembly service supplier? A significant advance was the development of wire wrapping, where a small gauge wire is literally wrapped around a post at each connection point, creating a gas-tight connection which is highly durable and easily changeable. As electronics moved from vacuum tubes and relays to silicon and integrated circuits, the size and cost of electronic components began to decrease. Electronics became more prevalent in consumer goods, and the pressure to reduce the size and manufacturing costs of electronic products drove manufacturers to look for better solutions. Thus was born the PCB. See additional information on best pcb.

Since beginning, as a printed circuit board (PCB) vendor in Asia, Best Technology is dedicating to be your best partner of advance, high-precision printed circuit boards, such as heavy copper boards, ultra thin PCB, mixed layers, high TG, HDI, high frequency (Rogers, Taconic), impedance controlled board, Metal Core PCB (MCPCB) such as Aluminum PCB, Copper PCB, and Ceramic PCB (conductor Copper, AgPd, Au, etc) and so on.

Advantage of MCPCB: Some LEDs dissipate between 2-5W of heat and failures occur when the heat from a LED is not properly removed; a LED’s light output is reduced as well as degradation when the heat remains stagnant in the LED package. The purpose of a MCPCB is to efficiently remove the heat from all topical IC’s (not just LEDs). The aluminum base and thermally conductive dielectric layer act as bridges between the IC’s and heat sink. One single heat sink is mounted directly to the aluminum base eliminating the need for multiple heat sinks on top of the surface mounted components.

Tg means Glass Transition Temperature. As flammability of printed circuit board (PCB) is V-0 (UL 94-V0), so if the temperature exceeds designated Tg value, the board will changed from glassy state to rubbery state and then the function of PCB will be affected. If working temperature of your product is higher than normal (130-140C), then have to use High Tg PCB material which is > 170C. and popular PCB high value are 170C, 175C, and 180C. Normally the FR4 circuit board Tg value should be at least 10-20C higher than working temperature of product. If you 130TG board, working temperature will be lower than 110C; if use 170 high TG board, then maximum working temperature should be lower than 150C.

PCB or Printed Circuit Board is the traditional name for the bare board of which you supply us with the layout data and which you use to mount your components on once we have delivered it to you. A printed circuit board, or PCB, is used to mechanically support and electrically connect electronic components using conductive pathways, tracks or signal traces etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate.

Flex PCB ( FPC ) is stands for Flexible Printed Circuits, or sometimes we just call it Flexible Circuits or Flex Circuits, which is the electronic component developed to allow electronic goods to become smaller and lighter, and it have been widely used from 1980s in USA & Europe, and then widely spread out around the world. Since flex circuits (flexible circuit) has excellent working efficiency and strong heat-resistance, it is widely used as a core component of all electronic goods such as cameras, computers and peripheral equipments, mobile phones, video & audio units, camcorders, printers, DVD, TFT LCD, satellite equipment, military equipments, and medical instruments. Anyway, Best Technology flex pcb manufacturer will provide OEM/ODM service.

Double sided flex circuits consists with double sided copper conductors and can be connected from both sides. It allows more complicated circuit designs, more components assembled. The major material used are copper foil, polyimide and coverlay. Adhesiveless stack up is popular for better dimensional stability, high temperature, thinner thickness. Dual access flexible circuit board refer to the flex circuit which can be accessed from both top and bottom side but only has only layer of conductor trace. Copper thickness 1OZ and coverlay 1mil, it similar with 1 layer FPC and opposite side FFC. There’re coverlay openings on both sides of flex circuit so that there’re solderable PAD on both top and bottom sides, that is similar with double sided FPC, but dual access flex circuit board has different stack up because of only one copper trace, so no plating process is need to make plated through hole (PTH) to connect between top and bottom side, and trace layout is much more simple. Currently our mouthy capability is 260,000 square feet (28,900 square meter), more than 1,000 different boards will be completed. We also provide expediate service, so that urgent boards can be shipped out within 24 hours. Discover additional details on mcpcb.