Tax help top services from Houston, TX

High status tax help services in Houston? You can take advantage of the tax-reducing benefits of retirement accounts by contributing the maximum amount. For 2020, the maximum 401(k) contribution is $19,500 and the maximum 403(b) contribution is the same, while the maximum contribution for SIMPLE IRAs is $13,500. Keep in mind that if you’re over the age of 50, you may take advantage of catch-up contributions of up to $6,000, as well. Roth IRAs are tax-free retirement accounts that can help you to reduce your tax burden and save money on your taxes, even if you’re in one of the top brackets. Unlike a traditional IRA, Roth IRA contributions are made from post-tax income. That means you’ll pay taxes before you contribute, but not when you withdraw.

By the end of January, you should have received all the various tax documents that you need from your employer or employers, as well as from banks, brokerage firms, and others with whom you do business. For each form, check that the information matches your own records. These are some of the most common forms: Form W-2,6? if you had a job. The various 1099 forms that report other income you received, such as dividends (Form 1099-DIV),7? interest (Form 1099-INT),8? and non-employee compensation paid to independent contractors (Form 1099-MISC).9? Brokers aren’t required to mail Form 1099-B,10? which reports gains and losses on securities transactions, until mid-February, so those may come a little later.

The Internal Revenue Code is set up to provide numerous tax breaks to individuals and businesses alike. Even the IRS acknowledges that you must keep some money to live on and with which to run your enterprise. Some small business tax savings strategies, like timing income and expenses, must be accomplished before the end of the tax year. But others, such as funding a retirement plan, can be done at any time before you file your tax return. See extra info at tax help in Houston.

Hold Off on Mutual Fund Purchases: People should be wary of buying mutual funds at this time of year if they will be held in a taxable account. You could get hit with a tax bill for year-end dividends even if you just purchased shares. “That’s how mutual funds work, but people don’t realize it,” says Joanna Powell, managing director in the Boston office of accounting firm CBIZ MHM. To avoid paying additional taxes, consult with a broker before making a purchase to find out when distributions are made.

Keep Communicating. Even if the debtor can’t pay right away, it is always important to keep communications going. He may be able to pay in the future, and by talking to the debtor and really listening to what he has to say, you may be able to help him figure out a way to start paying sooner. While the older a debt becomes, the harder it is to collect, sometimes circumstances change and payment may become possible.

Flipping Houses as a Business. If you buy and sell property frequently, the IRS could decide that you are in the business of flipping houses and aren’t just an investor. If so, you’ll have to pay self-employment taxes of up to 15.3% on your profits, in addition to income taxes. Buying and Selling Stuff Can Be Taxable Too. If you scout out bargains at flea markets and then sell the furniture and other finds on eBay (or a similar site), you’ll end up paying income taxes on the profits. If you do that just occasionally, you may not have to report the sale on your tax return. However, if you do it frequently, the IRS will consider you to be in a self-employed business since one of the requirements of owning your own business and claiming the income is if you are engaged in the business activity on a regular basis for a profit. Read additional info at this website.