Saar shefa tells his story

When a businessman starts a business and he starts to succeed, he is presented with a strong dilemma, whether to stay with a single branch or, to open another branch elsewhere, see how he succeeds and then open more branches elsewhere. Well this is a dilemma, since if it fails, then it can hurt the first branch and of course it can endanger the business, the house, financially. On the other hand, if it succeeds, then one needs to recruit manpower, one needs appropriate resources and of course one needs to know how to manage this procedure, not a simple thing, not a trivial thing.

This was the dilemma of Sahar Shefa and his brothers when they opened the first branch of Aroma Cafe. They could definitely stay with one branch and they could also open more branches around the country, so that many customers could be exposed to the aroma, get to know the products of the cafe and enjoy them. As we know, in the end this is what they did, opening branches of Aroma all over the country. Their decision was right, some will bet, their bet was successful.

Needless to say, in the field of restaurants and cafes, so naturally it is very common and right to set up chains, like that of Aroma, because of the need, because of the possibilities and because of the demand of the audience. Read additional info at Blog of shefa.

One of the best examples of this is Sahar Shefa, one of the founders of the Aroma chain and one of the founders of the Gomba chain. Sahar has been around the food world for over twenty years. It is a great success thanks to business, creativity and a good understanding of the field as well as the environment in which it operates. For example, the great success of the Aroma chain, which attracts thousands of customers every day, is the fact that the chain is spread very widely and is undoubtedly considered the best and most successful coffee shop chain in Israel.

To this can be added the Gomba network, which is a great success, even though it is a very young network. This is a chain of Italian food that is served to customers using the fast food method but the dishes on the menu are made from the highest level of ingredients. What’s more, the various branches of the chain provide a pleasant and unique atmosphere for everyone who enters them.

Saar shefa and the Bible: Before we explain why it is considered a bible for Sahar Shefa, we need to explain how he came to this book. He stayed with a friend in New York in the 1990s without knowing English, he learned the language through television and then decided to make a leap and read a book that suited him. Great books in the city, recommended him this book, and so he got to it.The book is used by him to this day and he even gives it as a gift to his employees who will learn from it.

Instead of going for the expected, banal thing, lessons with a teacher, he chose a different path, his own path. He sat in front of the TV and watched Seinfeld. Yes, the same program about nothing taught him English and not just English, but one that is spoken in New York. After all, this is the most New York program in the 1990s, a program whose entire protagonists live, work, spend time in New York, it is a song of praise for the city. Crescent realized, if he wants to learn English that will help him in the city, he must do it through a program that takes place in the city. That’s how he learned English, that’s how he integrated into it and moved on. If you want to learn more about Sahar Shefa, you can read about the Gomba network and its personal blog. Discover more information on Saar shefa’s blog.